Date created: 12/2/2025
(Please don't use my writing without my permission)
To family members that I’ve left behind,
Now faded memories from times gone by,
Happy memories,
We had bonds like glue,
They were like soldiers,
When their time came,
They beat their chests,
With war cries, and tried to be brave,
They once had youth on their side now their skin sags with age,
Tired body, but mind still sharp as a stick,
They’ve seen so much in their journeys in life,
Now they retire to a much simpler time,
They’re gone now,
The light these people were,
Will never be replaced,
Their now only faces and names always alive in people’s minds,
Your names and memories live on by the ones you loved,
Hopefully you will seize the day,
When you too will get old, gray and weary,
And long for these younger days,
You had not a care in the world,
You were there just to have fun!
You were hopping and bopping in the warm summer sun,
But even that, yes, with time the worst catches up to you,
The worst news,
Of all!
You only have a few months to live,
Oh no! You recall,
Your heart battered and blue,
What will this mean,
For your family too,
You’ve had a good life you tell yourself, too,
The evidence is in grandchildren after grandchildren,
Called Lillie and Sue,
As they laid you to rest,
You said to them, “Hush, don’t cry,”
“I have won the lottery!” With you people living with me by my side,
You cuddle them close,
You will miss them so much,
They start to cry,
As the heavens open for you,
That radiant white light,
“I’m home!” You yell, in increasing excite,
Your family run up to greet you,
Souls you forget you knew,
And they congratulate you,
“You made it to 100 years old!” They say, waving banners and enveloping you,
Praising you for your work in this lifetime,
But to your surprise they say, “But wait! There’s more!”
Waiting for you is a mirror, they say, “Wait until you see what’s brought you here today!”
Looking at you is your next lifetime, you realise,
“Is this really happening?” You ask these souls who once knew you so well,
“Yes!” They say, “Jump through, don’t delay,”
With your arms open wide, you scream “Here I come!”
Into your next lifetime, let’s see what this next chapter of evolution can offer your souls escape.